Life’s Enduring Journey – Part Two

We have seen many people forced to address issues because they saw an injustice and determined that they would work to right the wrongs. Equality, fairness, civil rights, and freedom are all causes which have taken people like Confucius who changed the psyche of his nation through teaching, Martin Luther King who brought awareness and change to the plight of African-Americans, Florence Nightingale who changed the face of nursing, Gandhi and Mandela, who brought freedom to their nations, Golda Meir, the first woman to lead the nation of Israel, Jesus, who preached of God’s love so that his disciples could bring Christ consciousness to the world, or Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony, who fought for equality of women’s rights. Social, spiritual, ethical and religious revolutions brought their leaders to heights they never imagined.
Leadership carries its own weight and responsibilities. Without the brave men and women who saw the need for profound change, our world would be completely different. Each moved forward without knowing the end result but we can applaud their incredible foresight.
And yet, each Leader would tell you, that no one person works in isolation. As you make your way into the ‘journey’ of your own world, taking a stand for what you believe in, following through on the promises you made to yourself and others is important. If you join like minded souls whose passion for a cause matches your own, you will be no less an agent of change than those who have followed great leaders since the beginning of time. We are nothing in isolation. We are nothing if our message is lost because we failed to commit ourselves to an ideal and follow through.
From all of our earliest journeys, we have traveled the path of our destiny with others. We join hands across the table, the room, the country, and the world, to connect with our human brothers and sisters. Like us, took they took that first breath of inspiration and rose to meet the challenges of growth through development of skills and strengthening of faith in a common purpose.
Our early experiences may have been different but at a point in our lives, much like this point in time today, we must intersect with each other to learn, to create change and bring about a better world for all.

From The Desiderata

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann